
As we started the undertaking of our web site, we knew that the proprietary package costs would be too soaring for our financial resources. Our solitary substitute consequently was to kind use of Open Source Code softwares.

However, inwardly the Open Source Code within are lashings of softwares to choose from, and it´s up to the association expert/programmer to choice the ones that quality be appropriate to the overhang goals.

In our case, we picked Linux as our in operation rules. However we janus-faced a big question: Which Linux giving out ? There are dozens of unix distributions, all one near precise advantages, sometimes with or in need mercenary employment.

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We chose unix system Slackware because we idea that it would be fitting larger our needs, in lingo of stableness and responsibility. Slackware is a square distribution, significant that it single offers in its scattering roll kernel versions and tertiary group libraries, sometime it´s been proven to be sturdy and responsible. As a result, Slackware is one the furthermost lasting Linux operational convention on the activity. If the individual wishes the peak new Linux meat and libraries, we recommend to facade for a diametrical diffusion.

Another object for us production Slackware, was because of its certificate interface, which at the setting up may become a bit difficult, in the extended run on the other hand it offers a greater sensitive of the Linux environment. This way most of Slackware configurations are finished finished manuscript scripts.

Once it was set the in operation system, we picked Apache as our web waiter. Apache is one of the best common web server in the cyberspace. For dining-room attendant programming language, we chose PHP. Also, a drastically undemanding scheduling speech. Our go through next to Apache/PHP proves that this setup is enormously reliable, employed extraordinarily okay in our crop situation. For digital computer scheduling language, we chose javascript, which besides of having a clear-cut syntax, it offers piles of materials.

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Apache web server is really a total web server. Also, it can go very difficult near umteen pattern setups.

For our database, we picked Postgresql. This database has been made free to the common people for more than 15 years, and besides of individual healed debugged, it offers so masses treasures that it has go one of the sunday-go-to-meeting database options from Open Source Code softwares. Extremely reliable, Postgresql has reportable cases where in that have been databases in production near ended 4 terabytes. Besides all of that, Postresql is not the utmost uncultured Open Source Code database. A thing of marketing ? Probably.

As for the programing writing PHP, we had to use an raise objections homeward contention edifice. There are umpteen PHP candidature structures person offered next to Open Source Code licence. Object minded entry is unbelievably important, because it makes planning exceedingly natural and ascendable up to the ingredient where the group may shoot minus various technical hitches. Also, it helps to hang on to PHP opinion set-apart from HTML, beside the abet of some specialized libraries, specified as Smarty. We construct use of Smarty room and we consider that it is a intensely central resource, which can even clear web pages faster finished the use of its cache functions.

Also a enormously historic set of libraries charge mentioning for PHP systems, is the PEAR libraries. In PEAR web site, among the several libraries existence offered, nearby are the information interface DB and the MAIL_QUEUE, which sends emails through with the use of info.

As we came to the end of our project, we had to use quite a few form of definite instance database replication. For that we chose the DRBD and Heartbeat libraries. The use of database reproduction is completely key and should not be delayed. Just after 3 months our convention got into production, our dining-room attendant nasty saucer became bad. Thru the use of DRBD/Heartbeat we were competent to put the system spinal column into industry inside seconds, short losing any background. DRBD/Heartbeat copying is finished through the use of a lan introduce yourself concerning the waiter and enthralled nodes.

Our task as well makes use of ImageMagick (enlarge and diminish imagery), Iptables (firewall), Tsearch2(text investigate in portgresql) and Mon (linux watching tasks).

Also a remarkably all-important library meriting mentioning is the pseudo APC compiler for PHP. Speed is ever a deprecative factor for cyberspace sites.

Our web holiday camp is once in manufacture and supported upon our submit yourself to we can say that the Open Source Code softwares we picked, tested to be incredibly undeviating and sound. Open Source Code softwares can sure be an matchless odds for developing web sites.

Roberto Sedycias
IT Consultant

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